PGCAP Portfolio of Activity

PGCAP Portfolio of Activity

This is my portfolio of activity for the University of Liverpool modules ADEV700 2020/21 and ADEV701 2021/22 of the Postgraduate Certificate Academic Practice (PGCAP). This work is meant to demonstrate that I meet the Descriptor 2 of the UKPSF.

The portfolio is divided into two parts:

  1. Patchwork ePortfolio: Collection of reflections and other assessments related to the theory and practice of teaching and learning. Submitted as the assessment for ADEV700.

  2. Research project: Investigation of the current practices and knowledge on the use of peer observation as a tool for continued professional development in higher education. Submitted as the assessment for ADEV710.

About me

Hi there! I’m Leonardo Uieda and I have been working at the University of Liverpool as a Lecturer in Geophysics since mid 2019. I teach several different subjects, including computer programming, remote sensing, gravimetry, and geodynamics. Before coming to Liverpool, I spent 2.5 years as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa. Before that, I worked as Assistant Professor at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro for 3 years.

I spend a large part of my time working on several open-source software projects. My approach to science is “open by default” and I make virtually everything I do publicly available under permissive open licences.

You can find out more at my website:


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