Dissemination strategy

Dissemination strategyΒΆ

Dissemination of my findings will be done through a page on this e-portfolio website (https://www.leouieda.com/pgcap).


  • Open-access link to the report on a website.

  • Written in an accessible language.

  • Provide a short summary of key findings and recommendations for those skimming the content.

  • Include links to the relevant literature for those wishing to dig deeper.

My main goals for this project are to gain more understanding of the topic and to inform practice within my institution. Therefore, the relatively more informal and accessible format is more appropriate for dissemination than a traditional journal article. Additionally, the findings presented here may be of use to my peers in other institutions. Having my report on an open website will increase the ease of dissemination (all I need to provide is a link to this website) and is more suitable for sharing on social media.

A report on my findings will be written in the format of an academic blog article (reminiscent of a journal article) within the website. To increase the ease of dissemination, key takeaways and recommendations will be summarized in an easily digestible form at the start in the style common to blogs and social media. The writing style will also be more informal than a traditional journal article to make it more suitable for an audience that may be less familiar with teaching and learning scholarship.

To increase visibility, I will also:

  1. Create a thread on Twitter and LinkedIn with the key takeaways and a link to this website.

  2. Share a link to my report and a short summary by email to relevant people at the School of Environmental Sciences and The Academy.

Ideally, this report will be reused and adapted to other institutions and updated over time as more studies are conducted. In the spirit of openness, the source of this website and the materials are all distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. This allows anyone to freely reuse, remix, and share the contents under the sole condition that they acknowledge the original source (this website).

The report presented here clearly meets the relevant requirements set out above.